Press Releases
Released: 12/15/2020
DRPA and PATCO Recognized with National Innovation & Leadership Awards
On December 15, the DRPA and PATCO were recognized with two awards from the Special Districts Program. The awards recognize innovation and leadership within 38,000 special district agencies across the country. This year, the awards recognized notable examples of how agencies applied innovative technologies and agency’s response and recovery efforts as they relate to COVID-19. The two awards presented were:
Technology Innovation: Leadership
John T. Hanson, DRPA CEO & PATCO President
This category recognizes special district leaders who have led innovative technology initiatives and bold responses to COVID-19.
Technology Innovation: Citizens
DRPA/PATCO Solar Energy Generation Project
This category recognizes special districts that have utilized technology to improve service delivery to citizens, such as making physical services available online, deploying new citizen engagement solutions, enhancing user experience, etc.
The DRPA is proud to be honored with this important recognition. To learn more about the Special Districts Program and Awards, please click here.
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